And an incredible Big Sis
There are so many other adjectives that I could choose to describe this sassy, rambunctious daughter of mine whose quick wit keeps me on my toes. She is elegant and thoughtful while tough as nails. I love her so passionately. She is definately her mama's daughter given that she has so much of me in her. She loves to clean and is incredibly neat and organized. She can plan a party and entertain just as graciously and beautifully as I can and loves to cook, sew, do craft projects and for the most part is far more on top of things than me. I don't know what I would do without her.
Grace is growing into such a beautiful girl but having an older brother who is not always nice to her causes her to have a toughness about her that often hides the tenderness of her heart. She loves deeply and I love it when she and I get a rare moment alone and I can see that hardness melt away and the softness rise to the surface.
This year was not always easy for her. After being homeschooled for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Grace entered 2nd Grade a little behind academically so she worked very hard to catch up and did a great job although academics is not something that comes easy for her. She has to work super hard in school and 3rd Grade has proven to be just as tough as 2nd even though she is up to speed with the rest of her peers. She loves the 3 S's Social Studies and Science,& Socializing and is usually more concerned with what accessories are allowed than if she knows her spelling words. She recently began training with the competitive gymnastic team at her gym and practices twice a week. Grace loves animals and enjoyed a few horseback riding lessons and played quite a bit of tennis over the summer. She amazes us with her athletic abilities and we hope we can continue to channel these abilities into something that brings her much joy. I cannot begin to express how much of a help she has been this year. She is so responsible and eager to help when I need it and as I said earlier, I don't know what I would do without her. I pray that Grace will always remember that "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Prov. 31:30.
Adorable pictures! She is just beautiful!
Grace is beautiful AND nurturing and so responsible and HELPFUL!!!! I could use a Grace at my house!!
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