Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Emily's Mother Goose Day

We are so blessed to have our kids attend a wonderful public school that does so many wonderfully special events that enhance a deeper learning of things that are classic and traditional. While homeschooling, I loved and ascribed to teach in this classical way however, it really was against my nature therefore I am thrilled that my kiddos are in this environment with teachers who do an incredible job filling their lives with this type of education. One of the events that Emily enjoyed was Mother Goose Day. Her class spent a few weeks learning Mother Goose Rhymes and then memorized one and recited it to none other than Mother Goose herself (aka her principal). Emily's rhyme was "Pussy Cat Pussy Cat Where Have You Been" and she dressed as a kitty cat. Her teacher, Mrs. Garcia moonlighted as Old Mother Hubbard for the day and I swear I think she missed her calling. It was a grand celebration with fruit tarts and milk.

I just had to post this one so you could see humpty he not the cutest thing?

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