Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Marriage is a Beautiful Thing.....17 years of Beauty and Many More to Come!

Tomorrow I will celebrate the anniversary of the day I became the wife of an incredible man. Little did I know 17 years ago when I walked down the isle of a beautifully decorated church on the arm of my father, wearing the wedding dress of my dreams, surrounded by friends and family that I was embarking on a life’s journey with someone who would escort me places well beyond all my hopes and dreams. Mike and I have walked a road full of some of the sweetest moments coupled with some of the most deeply painful times. It hasn’t always been an easy journey but one that I wouldn’t have missed or traded for ANYTHING! We have laughed together, cried together, engaged in ‘highly emotional’ discussions but most of all we’ve had fun together. There have been crazy adventures along the way with lots of dreaming together about our hopes of what the future would become. He has weathered many years of my moodiness, impulsiveness, indecisiveness, and many other ‘nesses’ that I am sure have just about drove him batty and through it all I have rested in the strength, wisdom, vision but most of all commitment of a man who loves me far deeper than I could have imagined being loved 17 years ago. Sharing one’s life with another person is something that God so beautifully designed from the beginning of time and as I sit here remembering that day when I left my singleness behind and became one with this man I call my husband I am so humbled that God would have given me this blessing of having such a passionate man with whom I might share my life. My days are much sweeter, deeper, more fun and far richer because I spend them with Mike. And so I will celebrate the day that I became a wife but much more is the celebration of God’s goodness in honoring me with the gift of beautiful man with whom I have the joy of spending the rest of my life.

I just had to sneak this one in...it is my mother and father in law cutting a rug...I LOVE IT!!!


Jodee said...

Wow! What a fabulous post! Happy Anniversary!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Happy 17 years! What an amazing dress!!